jordan's blog

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How to Deliver Value as a Surrogate Product Owner

At Facet, we take on other people’s products and treat them as our own. You can call us a surrogate product owner if you’d like, but the wares we sell aren’t so important as the methods we use. From the name of our service, you can probably tell it is somewhat of a “loaded" offering: Product Owner as a Service (POaaS). Product owners do a lot to steer and drive their development team and their entire organization toward one cohesive product solution. You might think: how can you possibly move the needle for companies better than in-house product owners?

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Firing Up the Furnace: Inside Axelerant's Rebranding

Have you ever wondered what voodoo magic goes into a rebranding? With our recent work with Axelerant, we are ready to prove to you that the answer is…none!

There’s a lot of hard science behind the choices we have been making with Axelerant. We believe that customers engage with your company based on how valuable they perceive your brand. To sell business to medium enterprises up to Fortune 1000s, you have to dress the part.

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10 Reasons to Start Development with a Discovery Workshop

Leverage 10 insights about the value of Discovery Workshops before starting your next web development project!

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Leveraging Slack Attachments via Webhooks with PHP

The year of 2016 is a year of continuous integration. At Facet, we have some initiatives in order to drive more visibility with our development team, surface sales pipelines, and also gain timely insights to our client's marketing campaigns. Webhooks are quickly becoming pervasive throughout many platforms online, and finally this week I had the opportunity to take a look at one of our targeted Webhooks in Pantheon's Quicksilver platform hook system. 

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How To Set Up Pantheon Quicksilver Notifications for Slack

You’re right, this isn’t rocket science, and Pantheon’s Quicksilver documentation is pretty damn good.
