kevin's blog

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How to Refine Your Email Drip Strategy with a Data-Driven Approach

Email might just be the single most effective marketing tactic available. So why aren't yours working? How can you ensure that your messages are not simply lost among 200 emails your audience receives in their inbox every single day?

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What Are the 3 Most Important Small Business KPIs?

Sometimes, even data-driven digital marketing can be difficult. You do your best to measure as much as you can about each of your ads, only to get bogged down in a data jungle.

Consider two hypothetical ads you recently ran on social media:

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How to Find and Measure Business KPIs

You might have noticed an emphasis on measurable outcomes in this space and across digital marketing. That's because without a data-driven approach, you cannot reliably build a marketing strategy designed to build your business.

At the same time, an emphasis on metrics and data can be stressful as much as it is beneficial. How do you even know where to look to find the data you need to make better marketing decisions and help your business save resources?

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5 Simple Tips for Better Real Estate Lead Generation

Growing your real estate business is only possible if you find a way to get your audience's attention. But a home buying (and selling) journey that is increasingly independent has made that process more difficult than ever before.

Other real estate agents like you are constantly pitching their services, hoping to insert themselves into the home buying process as early as possible. How do you stand out? Effective lead generation could be the key.

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8 Biotech Social Media Tips to Eliminate Marketing Waste

You read it everywhere: to be successful in promoting your digital brand, a presence on social media is vital. But does biotech social media work for the industry? And, just as crucially, are you just wasting your time trying to take advantage of a tactic that simply doesn't make much sense for your industry?

The answer to that question depends entirely on your approach.
