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Hiring Automation: Pre-interview with HubSpot Chatbot

Scaling our hiring pipeline as a core team of 2 consultant-owners has had it’s challenges. We went through the transition from go-with-your-gut hiring to a repeated-and-true hiring practice a few years ago. The critical learning for us was the data. We needed to ask all hires the same questions so we could learn about who they were without getting bogged down managing our talent pipeline. 

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Building Digital Support Teams in Higher Education

Digital Transformation is often written about for its impact on an organization. Especially in higher education, there is a monumental effort placed by many teams across multiple departments to evolve digital systems and best practices. The goal for any institution is always simple in nature: deliver on technology’s original promise—to get a multiple of work done with fewer resources. We often dress up this promise to be more complicated in our efforts to coordinate, project confidence, and (sometimes) coerce others to get in line with this transformation. 

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City Intelligence: Navigating Digital Transformation to become a Smart City

The city of the future will not be defined by success or growth while resources are abundant, but instead will be defined by the way intelligent, risk-mitigating decisions are made to maximize delivery of critical city services.

To make intelligent decisions about complex City systems and services, you need data. And not just census data or statistics. You need the inner workings of the city’s operations. The metadata and messy, non-normalized data from all of your various applications, services, and systems. 

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Facet Interactive Named Among Top Digital Strategy Firms of 2018!

../../../Top_B2B_Companies_Global_2018%20(1).pngWhen working on different projects, we always align our goals to those of our clients.

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18 Common Drupal Misconfigs that Cost eCommerce Revenue

It’s rare to find Drupal sites that are optimized to be revenue-driving machines for their marketing departments and companies. Often one of the Drupal or Digital Foundations is overlooked, misconfigured, or out of sync with overall digital strategy. It takes a careful eye to review and visualize the entire customer journey, ensuring a consistent, high quality experience for customers, search engines, and the teams responsible for keeping the content and marketing machines running.

A holistic review of the full-stack digital experience is required to ensure a successful and cohesive experience those same customers, search engines, and employees.

To keep your sales engine humming we’ve built a checklist to ensure your website is ready to maximize your return on investment from campaigns quarter over quarter.

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7 Strategies to Maximize Your Drupal Investment

Optimizing the various revenue and expense generating paths is critical to marrying the value between your developer output, editorial output, Drupal application performance, stability, and end-user experience. We have built an action item list for you to get the most out of your Drupal investment.

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How to Quickly Validate a Market with Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-Per-Click Rapid Market Validation: If You Build It, Will They Come?

Your consumer has a problem, and you believe you have the perfect product solution. However, before you throw resources into a prototype, you want to know whether there is a stable market for it.

You don’t have funds to go the traditional market validation route, which could take 60 days or more to have a consulting firm validate your product idea. If there is no market, you’ve just wasted thousands of dollars. Your dreams of being a successful solopreneur could be over.

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What is a Requirements Engineer?

You may have heard this story before: A business stakeholder has a new project for the website or software application. The business stakeholder writes up a brief, detailing their experiences for the project and promptly delivers these to the developer.

The developer reads through the brief and immediately starts work, not bothering to ask questions about the assumptions they are making nor the assumptions implied by the brief.

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5 Reasons Why Startups Should Partner with Agencies on Revenue Share

The road to startup is grueling.

What has brought many young companies to their knees has been not finding enough customers who want to buy their solution and not locking down the right talent who can help them deliver that solution to their customers.

Attracting and retaining customers, as well as putting A-players on your payroll, requires time, money and other resources your business is limited on.

But there is a way to get both customers and talent without incurring all the risk. It’s called revenue share.

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Marketing Automation Helps a Small Staff Do Big-Time Work

As a small team, it might seem like you are stuck in an endless loop of tasks—there just aren’t enough people to distribute the workload, and you find yourself wearing multiple hats. Often this switching cost bleeds your team’s total capacity.

Take for instance lead nurturing. You can spend months, even a year or more, crafting and sending personalized pieces of information to each consumer based on their needs, interests, and buying phase—all in the hopes of closing the deal.
