kevin's blog

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6 Easy Wins to Improve Your Law Firm Lead Generation

Law firm marketing and lead generation is notoriously difficult. Thanks to the high level of competition, law-related keywords rank among the most expensive on Google, with the word attorney costing more than $47 for a single click. And that's before we even get into the significant time required to build a marketing strategy that sets you apart from competitors who, in the eyes of your audience, are just like you.

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10 Law Firm Content Marketing Ideas You Need to Try

As you start on your journey of content marketing for your law firm, you know you need high-quality content that will be useful and interesting to your potential clients.

Unfortunately, coming up with content ideas off the top of your head can be a challenge--especially if you're in a crunch to get started or are trying to come up with a content calendar for the year.

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7 Inbound Marketing Influencers to Shape Your Business Success

Getting started in inbound marketing can be difficult. The concept is both complex and takes time to implement, while results are not always instantaneous. How do you navigate a marketing philosophy you don't yet know much about?

The answer is to learn from those who came before you. The concept may only be 11 years old, but inbound marketing has given rise to experts and influencers who are willing and happy to share their insights and help other businesses embrace the philosophy.

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9 Crucial KPIs Every Real Estate Marketer Should Track

We've all heard it before:

My post reached 10,000 Facebook users!

This billboard is seen by 50,000 commuters every day!

Our Google ad is #1 in the search results!

What do all of these statements have in common? They say little about how successful your marketing efforts actually are.

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10 Biotech Blog Ideas to Boost Your Content Marketing

What does your product actually do?

Any startup in the biotech and life sciences space will be familiar with this question. Let's be honest: the biggest challenge in growing your business in this industry tends to be educational.

If you cannot convince investors and potential customers about both your uniqueness and your worth, you may as well pack it up.

Fortunately, marketing challenges are far from marketing impossibilities. Educating your audiences about the exact nature and benefits of your product is absolutely possible--you just have to know how.
