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What is Inbound Marketing and Why is it Important?

A new wave of marketing tactics has taken over how businesses reach customers and it has proven to increase ROI for companies across the board. Spend less on time sensitive, low conversion, and high production services like direct mail and cold-calling — instead, try inbound marketing.

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5 Marketing Trends Your Small Business is Missing Out On This Year

Experts tell us what is important this year, but with limited resources, budgets and time, small businesses struggle to identify which marketing trends are worth pursuing and which are fads. Often, the unfortunate result is marketing gets pushed to the back burner. To save you time, we won’t give predictions for what could be important next year; instead, here are 5 marketing trends that are important now and why they should be your focus at the end of this year.

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5 Affordable Content Marketing Solutions You Need to Try

“You should really try content marketing.” — someone you know. As a small business owner, how often have you heard that advice?

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How To Increase ROI with Value Driven Development

A version of this blog post’s content was originally presented at DrupalCon Asia 2016 in Mumbai and DrupalCamp LA 2016.

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What You Need to Know About Performant Marketing

How do you know which marketing strategies and tactics perform well with little investment? How do you know which marketing campaigns will perform better as you fund them further??

As a marketer, small business owner or enterprise CMO,  understanding which campaigns will scale is a constant struggle. Anyone who’s tried to make an idea, product or service catch fire knows marketing and sales are often the toughest puzzles. You need all the pieces to come together with little wasted time or money — even more so as a small business owner or startup marketer.
