Analytics & BI

At Facet, we understand the value of data and the impact it can have on your business. Our curated strategy for Analytics & BI is designed to align with your business goals and create a data-driven culture.

  • Proven Expertise: With over 20 years of consulting experience, we have the skills to help you leverage Analytics & BI to drive business growth.

  • Data Discovery Workshops: Our process starts with these workshops, where we identify key data sources and outline the framework for your unique BI strategy.

Experience Unrivaled Benefits of Analytics & BI

From gaining access to real-time insights to making informed business decisions, the benefits of Analytics & BI consulting from Facet are vast.

  • Value-Driven Approach: We prioritize all our solutions through a value-driven lens, ensuring maximum ROI from your Analytics & BI initiatives.

  • Data Warehouse Integration: We seamlessly integrate various data sources into a Data Warehouse technology of your choice, enabling a consolidated view of your business operations.

Groundbreaking Analytics & BI Design

We design your Analytics & BI systems tailored to your needs, with an emphasis on usability and accessibility for all users.

  • Scalable Designs: Our designs are scalable and flexible, allowing easy integration of new technologies as and when available.

  • Automation: We automate routine processes to increase efficiency and reduce the need for manual intervention.

Flawless Analytics & BI Development

Our team of experts works diligently to develop a robust Analytics & BI solution that meets all your business requirements.

  • Reliability: We ensure your ecosystem provides consistent and dependable service to its users and customers.

  • Security: We build systems to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure, practicing safe data handling to protect your data integrity and reduce change of compromise.

Metrics Matter: Analytics & BI KPIs

At Facet, we understand the importance of defining and closely monitoring KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for your Analytics & BI initiatives.

  • Automated Monitoring: We set up automated alerts or integrated business intelligence to monitor KPI performance, keeping you informed of any significant changes.

  • Empowering Decision-Making: Regular monitoring of KPIs provides valuable insights, aiding in strategic decision making and timely course corrections when necessary.

Systemizing Success with Analytics & BI

Let Facet be your partner in systemizing success with Analytics & BI. Unlock the full potential of your data and drive business growth with our expertise.

  • Analytics Adoption Model: We assess your organization's readiness and help you gradually adopt analytics into your operations, ensuring a smooth transition and culture change.

  • Driving Innovation: We identify the flywheel of your business growth and architect systems that accelerate it, all while reinforcing the IT-enablement principles that drive down costs and improve performance.