Digital Foundations
Our proven approach to optimize your business — digitally.
Facet’s holistic process sets the foundation for growth with by vertically integrating data-driven sales, marketing, operations, product, and web development teams.
Integrated data analytics geared for learning.
Our first step is to thoroughly review the your business’ digital health. By building a custom-tailored, analytics monitoring strategy and dashboard, we’re able to track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)—setting the foundation for high growth strategies. Facet then sets up intelligent alerts, accelerating your business learning engine by shortening your feedback loop and giving you the opportunity to quickly adjust business and campaign strategies for maximum returns.
Tooling that works for you, not against you.
We all want the best tools for the job, but sometimes it is more important to have the right set of tools. Facet will take a look in your digital toolbox to uncover what’s driving or hindering your KPI growth. We’ll evaluate your full stack—from your content management system (CMS), to email marketing, sales automation, advertising tools and more—to see if they work for you, against you, or simply are misconfigured and out of harmony. Lastly, we’ll review your toolset’s integration stack to ensure cohesive customer journeys and operational workflows. 360º visibility on your business performance is only possible with a successful handoff from A to Z.
Processes engineered for growth.
The third foundation—you need an organizational system that is built to exceed everyone’s expectations. Your processes are the methods by which you deliver value to customers, all the way from internal management operations to external asset creation and production. Facet boils your processes down into agile process maps, checking to see if there are any undocumented processes or gaps. Once we have your processes mapped out, we introduce iterative improvements with best practices we learned from years of agile product management—transforming your business from a people-driven-engine into a process-driven one.
Without automation, growth costs blood, sweat, and tears.
Automation allows for machines to do work where humans once toiled. To drive the profit margins and growth you desire, we must fine-tune your analytics feedback loop, ensure the right tooling, and deliver with processes engineered to be automated. Only once your automation is maximized will you see returns on investment grow in multiples. With discrete segments, processes can be honed in with a niche unique value proposition, and automation allows your company to exchange that value at scale.
Organization Engineering
Organizations drive their own evolution.
With these foundations collaboratively installed with your team, we set the foundation not only for the digital business infrastructure evolution, but also the cultural organization shift required to make your team strong, creative, and capable administrators of these automated systems and learning engines. We empower your employees to own and execute targeted marketing techniques to drive maximum Return On Investment (ROI). Your team’s iterative innovation will drive profit margins, but only if they are equipped with the right foundation and mentorship to manage it.