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7 Content Marketing Tips for Real Estate

Real estate agents know a strong online presence is important for bringing in new clients and helping clients find the perfect home. However, it’s not enough anymore to simply have a website — you now need a website backed by a rockstar content marketing strategy.

Content marketing is the key to growth for any small business, and it comes with it’s own set of best practices for real estate marketers.

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Should Small Businesses Share Revenue with Agencies?

How many marketing campaigns have you invested in without seeing concrete results?

You may have an agency set you up with a sophisticated-looking website, blog and social media account, but your bottom line remains the same.

You may get plenty of pageviews, but the people who come to your website rarely turn into paying customers.

For small businesses, one answer could be sharing revenue with marketing agencies.

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15 Affordable Email Marketing Solutions for Small Business

One of the biggest challenges facing any small business is the need to entice and capture new customers while maintaining a strong relationship with their current customers.

A comprehensive email solution can provide the perfect means to connect with your customers and maintain that critical relationship -- but at what cost?

Fortunately, there a number of low-cost email solutions that can help your business build and maintain the strong customer relationships that will give your business the strong bottom line it needs to succeed.

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How Does Revenue Sharing Drive Performance Marketing?

Any small business looking for growth needs marketing to accomplish that goal. There is only one problem: working with advertising professionals can be expensive, and is often difficult to afford on an already limited budget.

For countless startups, working with an ad agency is out of the question. Pricing models dictate minimum spends that are simply unaffordable. But what if you only have to spend money that is guaranteed to bring a positive return on investment?

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Who is a Good Fit for Mautic?

You’ve recently learned about the benefits of marketing automation. You explored a few different marketing automation solutions, but before you pick one, you need to answer one of the most important questions: is this solution a good fit?

Often this question is difficult to answer without trying out the product, but by then you’ve made the commitment, and have likely locked yourself into an agreement — so it helps to get advice from someone who has experience with the platform.
