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Who is a Good Fit for Mautic?

You’ve recently learned about the benefits of marketing automation. You explored a few different marketing automation solutions, but before you pick one, you need to answer one of the most important questions: is this solution a good fit?

Often this question is difficult to answer without trying out the product, but by then you’ve made the commitment, and have likely locked yourself into an agreement — so it helps to get advice from someone who has experience with the platform.

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Why Open-Source Makes Marketing Automation Better

Small businesses face a big challenge: Balancing a limited budget with the necessity of spending for growth.

To stay afloat, businesses need to bring in new customers and keep old customers. However, it's not enough to have a static website or send out a few emails a year.

Businesses of every size must be consistent in their marketing communications and make sure they speak to each prospect, lead and customer at the right moment — with the right message.

With a limited workforce, this is a major challenge to small businesses. It's just too time consuming.

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How to Define Your Digital Strategy with an Inspiration Board

Most businesses, whether big or small, have an online presence — whether that’s a website, social media accounts or some combination of the two.

While it’s easy to create these spaces, the challenge becomes maintaining a unified image across all of the online platforms.

This can be especially challenging for new organizations who are still trying to pinpoint this image and their digital strategy — they aren't sure what will work best so they try a few things out.

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What You Need to Know About Agile Content Marketing

'Traditional' marketing tactics have become slow and ineffective. Exposed to hundreds of ads every day, Audiences are increasingly cynical toward the concept, flooding to ad blockers by the millions. Efforts to cut through the clutter and regain audience trust with relevant content that your audience actually wants to read can be difficult and takes time.

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How to Create an Inspiration Board

Every business has an image, but not necessarily a good one. Many organizations struggle to create a singular brand personality that shines through from all angles of the business.

With multiple team members contributing to the brand, things can get messy. Each individual has a different idea of the image that should be expressed. They struggle to collaborate and build cohesion. The team fails at accurately targeting buyer personas with their content. But it doesn't have to be this way.
