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How to Elevate Professional Services Marketing with Mautic

When it comes to professional services marketing, consumers expect to connect with companies anytime and anywhere, and they expect a personalized experience from architecture and engineering, consulting and accounting firms. Marketing automation presents itself as a great solution for professional services firms, and it allows small business owners to save time and create more effective marketing campaigns.

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How to Take Biotech Marketing to the Next Level with Mautic

The healthcare industry has rapidly changed over the past few years. New legislation has altered the landscape of medical care and technology.

And it's not just this. The days of the door-to-door salesman are also coming to an end. People and organizations have moved online. They want to learn about new products online and they want to buy them online.

The combination of these two major shifts have created a completely new atmosphere for healthcare and biotech companies around the globe.

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How to Do Real Estate Marketing Automation with Mautic

You have a beautiful website. You post quality content to your social media platforms. You keep a comprehensive contact list. You're on top of your game and doing a lot of things right.

But you keep hitting a wall, and you're spending a lot of time hitting the same wall over and over again.

Your contact list isn't growing and neither is your sales pipeline. Your website isn't producing leads. You're plateauing.

This is something real estate agencies and private realtors face daily.

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An Easy Way to Get Started with Marketing Automation Now

By now, you probably understand the benefits of marketing automation. You know marketing automation saves you time, helps you scale your marketing efforts and allows you to measure end-to-end ROI. But do you know where to start?

On the surface, marketing automation is a daunting undertaking:

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Persona Story Mapping: Product Planning with Empathy

Frustrated by building and marketing products that just don’t resonate with your customers? You’re not alone. Thousands struggle to build and market products that throw the like switch on for their customers—often not realizing they are misaligned until it is too late.

Building a working model of empathy and understanding with our customers is a worthy endeavor that makes or breaks many companies the world over.

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3 Benefits of Marketing Automation for Small Businesses

Marketing Automation is no longer reserved for companies with large budgets and large sales pipelines. Rather, it’s one of the top 5 marketing trends your small business should start right away. These 3 benefits of marketing automation explain why.

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Decoupled Drupal Discovery Checklist

Getting ready for a “headless” or decoupled Drupal project? Before starting on your Drupal discovery workshop, review this quick decoupled Drupal checklist to make sure you cover your bases when planning and reviewing any kind of solutions architecture.

In the beginning, it is easy to get lost in the complexity of a decoupled Drupal project. Right now, you’re just trying to build a mental image of the entire system—and doing your best not to get lost in the nitty-gritty details.

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10 of the Best Inbound Marketing Tools

You know what inbound marketing is and why it’s important. But, if you’re going to give inbound marketing a try, you need the right tools to get the job done.

Unfortunately, as a small business owner, some of the more popular inbound marketing tools are out of your price range — and perhaps you’re not sure which tools you really need to build an efficient and effective workflow.

Fear not — we’ve been there.

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What is Inbound Marketing and Why is it Important?

A new wave of marketing tactics has taken over how businesses reach customers and it has proven to increase ROI for companies across the board. Spend less on time sensitive, low conversion, and high production services like direct mail and cold-calling — instead, try inbound marketing.

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5 Marketing Trends Your Small Business is Missing Out On This Year

Experts tell us what is important this year, but with limited resources, budgets and time, small businesses struggle to identify which marketing trends are worth pursuing and which are fads. Often, the unfortunate result is marketing gets pushed to the back burner. To save you time, we won’t give predictions for what could be important next year; instead, here are 5 marketing trends that are important now and why they should be your focus at the end of this year.
