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10 Smart Real Estate Blog Ideas You Should Consider

If you want to rely on content marketing, you better get it right. Every day, countless businesses publish blog posts, ebooks, and whitepapers that receive few or no views. They spend hours of time coming up with content, providing minimal returns to an audience that can't find it or simply isn't interested.

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10 Marketing Automation Tips for Real Estate

How do you reach home buyers and sellers that are choosing the internet as their most trusted resource over getting in touch with a realtor? How do you find just the right moment to offer a partnership with them?

Answering these questions can be difficult. In the real estate industry, audience behavior is rapidly changing. As points out, millennials now represent the largest share of home buyers at 32%, and they don't go through the process in the same way their predecessors did:

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Inbound Marketing for Real Estate: What You Need to Know

For many realtors, marketing is a nuisance. Reaching potential homebuyers is both expensive and vague; in fact, it's almost impossible to find a traditional marketing tactic that reaches only the audience you want to communicate with.

Billboards, TV ads, and other traditional marketing options can get your face known in the local community. But above all, they take significant budgets to run, only to interrupt the lives of their viewers, 95% of whom probably don't want to buy or sell their home anytime soon.

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10 Marketing Automation Tips for Your Law Firm

Every business needs marketing, but no one has time for it.

You need to promote your law firm in order to expand your reach and gain new clients. But at the same time, full case loads and administrative needs make prioritizing those promotions on a daily basis a struggle.

Of course, the worst thing you could do in that case is to forego marketing altogether. So instead, why not automate your practices?

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5 Best Email Drip Campaigns for Law Firm Marketing

If you're new to the concept of inbound and lead-based marketing, it's tempting to consider lead generation as the central goal of your efforts. But what happens once those leads enter your database?

Ignoring existing leads can be devastating. Only a fraction of the contacts in your database are actually ready to become your clients, while the majority probably signed up for some interesting content.

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Top 10 Content Marketing Strategies for Biotech

Competing against the industry Goliaths that dominate the health and biotech industries can seem like an impossible task for a company in its infancy.

Fortunately, small businesses and startups can build a competitive edge by combining innovation with an organized content marketing campaign. Small business owners simply need to be aware of the key challenges they face and combat those challenges through a strategic content marketing campaign aimed at health and biotech customers.  

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Top 10 Content Marketing Tips for Your Law Firm

Let's be honest: advertising your legal practice can be difficult to afford. Law-related keywords consistently rank among the most expensive to bid on. Placing a Google ad for the word “attorney,” for example, will set you back almost $50 for every single click to your website.

Fortunately, a number of opportunities exist that allow you to spread the word and increase your credibility without blowing through your budget. Among them, content marketing may be the most effective in helping you gain new clients.

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Will Ad Agencies Switch to Revenue Sharing in the Next 5 Years?

Can you trust your marketing agency?

Consider this question seriously. Every client knows deep down, at the end of the day, your agency is out to make money by working for you.

That conundrum is at the core of many agency-client relationships. It also, as you can probably imagine, prevents both entities from fully trusting each other to achieve the maximum possible results.

It's not a given, though. Browse around, and you will find plenty of symbiotic relationships that can benefit ad agencies and small businesses alike.

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10 Content Marketing Strategies for Professional Services Firms

Content is king. There's no way around it. The sooner businesses accept this and adjust to it, the more successful they will be.

Professional services firms, whether they specialize in accounting, law, or medicine, are beginning to feel the pain of competition. Due to the rise of the internet, consumers no longer have to visit brick and mortar locations to consult with a doctor, architect or consultant. Everything can be done online.

This means no firm has control over a geographic location or a particular demographic.

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7 Content Marketing Tips for Real Estate

Real estate agents know a strong online presence is important for bringing in new clients and helping clients find the perfect home. However, it’s not enough anymore to simply have a website — you now need a website backed by a rockstar content marketing strategy.

Content marketing is the key to growth for any small business, and it comes with it’s own set of best practices for real estate marketers.
